phunky ape yacht club nft ape


Sometimes aliens will only slightly change what we have going for us, but it's more often than not something completely unimportant and unnecessary. Like saving a school bus full of orphans from a seemingly unattended steam roller that's headed straight for them-- except the bus is actually headed straight for a drop off cliff and the aliens didn't realize it! They do make mistakes sometimes, even if their technology is a million times more advanced than ours. Welcome to the world of phunky ape yacht club nft ape. Here, you will find all the information on our organization and what we do here at phunky ape yacht club nft apePhunky ape yacht club nft ape is an email newsletter from a student trying to find ways to help finance his education.

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Aphky, is the only newsletter that features stories about the first time someone makes a mistake and what they learned from it. From interviewing authors to finding your niche, you will learn how to have a successful career and build into more people's lives than just yourself.

The newsletters are honest, smart, and most importantly funny. You'll have no problem taking your work seriously when you're laughing every step of the way! 

This is an informational blog post about phunky ape yacht club nft ape which introduces readers on what this website contains.

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We are a social organization that was founded with the purpose to open up dialogue with other members and organizations in a certain sphere of interest. Our goal is to help create a sense of community on one platform where people can learn about this topic or share their thoughts about it. Our activities typically take place in an online group chat where members discuss any given topic for hours on end if not days, this is due to having a specific theme for each chat session.

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The phunky ape yacht club nft ape group was created by renesis and phunky in order to have some fun with a trusted group of people while maintaining a good relationship with everyone. Since then we have taken the time to build up our community and make it stronger by adding new members, updating our rules and procedures, improving our group chat features and simply having fun. Phunky ape yacht club nft apeIf you've ever been to a phunky ape yacht club nft ape you'll know it's not a place people usually spend their time. It's the world's most unsociable event. There is no cool music, and dancing involves strangers walking into each other in an attempt to get the same rhythm going. But unlike some, it doesn't need all those bells and whistles of fancy clubs to be fun for people who don't mind being uncomfortable and meeting new people over good old-fashioned games like spoons and bingo. The question is, can you name a daisy? Yeah, that one too.

I is a phunky ape yacht club nft ape,

I come from the jungle and I like to play with fire feathers.

We use our paws like our hair and we swing from trees with our tails all day lalala.

And some of us never get to see the sun because we live in a tunnel beneath it.

And when we are done swinging from trees, we sing songs about these humans, you know, these big tall hairless apes.

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You might think that we all look the same but that would be wrong because we're not all the same. We look like different things to different people because you must never judge a book by its cover else what can be inside it?

I am a phunky ape yacht club nft ape and I like to play with fire feathers. And I will always remember what it feels like to swing from trees in the jungle with my tail all day lalala... and sing songs about these humans... you know, these big tall hairless apes. [END ARTICLE]

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For all except the gist of this article, feel free to read and spread the knowledge however you see fit. I'm not asking for credit or anything but I thought it would be a nice addition to the comedy post on /r/memes.
